Family Permits

Family Permits

An EEA family permit is a form of entry clearance given to the non EEA national family members of an EEA national who is in, or intends to come to, the UK in order to exercise a Treaty right.

Only family members of the EEA nationals can apply for family permit and such an application can only be made from outside the UK. This is given for a six month period and the non EEA national may then enter the UK and make an application for FMRS or residence card depending whether the EEA national is registered under WRS or is exercising his treaty rights otherwise.

There are two categories of family members i.e. Immediate Family members and Extended Family members. Following persons are considered as immediate family members of the EEA national:

  • Spouse / Civil Partner
  • Children under 21 years of age [including step / adopted children]
  • Dependant in the ascending line i.e. parents / grandparents of the EEA national or of his / her spouse / civil partner [They need to be financially dependent on the EEA national]/

Following are considered as extended family members:

  • Children above 21 years of age
  • Siblings
  • Cousins
  • Aunts
  • Uncles
  • Unmarried partners

The difference in both of these categories is that the immediate family members have got right to reside in the UK on the basis of their EEA national`s exercising his / her treaty rights in the UK while the extended family member have to meet a very strict criteria of prior residence with the EEA national out of the UK, financial dependency and other requirements.

At Britannia Solicitors, we offer our expertise of advising and representing our clients in making their family permit applications. We have got extensive experience of handling complex immigration casework and can advice on all sorts of immigration matters. If you have any questions or wish to engage our services please contact us as we deal with:

  • Family Permits
  • Residence certificate applications (EEA 1)
  • Residence card applications (EEA 2)
  • Retention of Right of Residence Applications
  • Permanent Residence Applications